Slalom is an open-source game built on Web 2.0 technologies for Palm's WebOS mobile platform.

The game is currently working(tested on my pre but should also work on a pixi), I just have a few things to add/iron out.
A short todo list in no particular order:
  • Finish implementing difficulty levels. At this time the difficulty setting just changes the distance between pylons in the aformentioned Between The Lines and does nothing for the other two game modes.
  • Add sky and ground color editing to the config screen.
  • Implement local and global scoreboards.
  • Setup app network for notification of updates, new apps, promotions, etc...
  • Write cleanup operations and touch up 'loose' variables to avoid the GC.
  • Clean out relics from old code.
Download Instructions
although i plan to submit to the app catalog in the near future, at this time the only way to get this app is to check it out from the subversion repository or grab a snapshot build. if that doesn't sound like your cup of tea, then just wait for it to get released officially.
Snapshot builds can be found here.
The current build(0.9.0) is a snapshot of the code at revision 5.

To get the latest most up to date version you will need to get a subversion client. If you are a developer, then Ares or Eclipse/Aptana+subclipse can handle this for you. Linux users can get subversion through their distribution's package manager. You can then use the following command to check out the source code: #svn co slalom Windows users should use Tortise SVN. Just download the appropriate version, install and follow this guide using the above https address.

You will also need to get the WebOS SDK to put the app on your phone. More information can be found on that at the Palm Developer Site.
click on the images below to expand and, if applicable, rotate. click again to return.
Project Developers
Project Admin
Dan Nielson
All content on this site © 2010 and licensed under the GNU GPL v3